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Stories of Recovery

“I am so grateful for these meetings. I live with chronic pain, which took over my life. I spent more than two years not wanting to do anything because of the pain and the depression. I spent all my time lying down. My wife and my mother told me to come here, but I didn’t want to. Finally, I came, and it changed my life. I feel less depressed and find myself laughing more. By RI helping me they helped my family. I just want to say thank you.”


One of our RI members has been dealing with a lot of change in their life. First, they were told to vacate their apartment of 12 years due to a new owner. They couldn’t find housing that accepted section 8, but finally found a room at a local Single Room Occupancy place. After moving in, the member was assaulted by a bed bug infestation. There were many attempts to fix the situation before a treatment worked. Through all of this the member was able to maintain their mental health and to effectively deal with this in a positive manner. In former days there would have been a lot more temper against the outer environment. Today the member exercised a good measure of self-control and patience.


“Before I came to RI I had strong urges to drink alcohol, I was very disorganized with my thoughts, it was hard to concentrate and I was nervous and had palpitations. Since I started in RI Discovery it has helped me to stay level and not be as jumpy, by practicing the spots the urges to drink are gone. I’m able to calm my racing thoughts with reminders that ‘if you can’t change a situation you can change your attitude towards it.’ I have also found it helpful in my interaction with others. I have fearful thoughts at times of my boyfriend not paying his half of the rent or going out and drinking when he knows I am in recovery. By sharing my examples in RI Discovery and using ‘decide, plan and act’ I am able to catch myself and call my sponsor, watch TV, or call a friend for emotional support instead of isolating myself and feeling shaky.” -o

Before Recovery, a day like today would have made me check into the I just drive by it!

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